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PSM Lighting
The Marie Méro clothing brand stands for sophistication and balance. We were therefore given the task of extending these key words to the lighting at the head office in Aalter. The interior is sleek, modern and minimalist, just like our lighting. A match made in heaven.

Times frames for an open feeling

The entrance hall is large and creates a sense of openness. Our Times frames were the ideal solution for preserving that feeling. At the same time, they immediately catch the eye when you enter the space.

Mero spotlights in the showroom

In the showroom, we opted for rail systems with directable Mero spotlights over the entire space. The major advantage of a rail system is that the spotlights can be clicked on to any place on the rail without any problem. The same rail systems are also suspended in the shop window, where they put the latest designs in the spotlight. The lighting can be fully adjusted to the position of the mannequins.

Mero pendants at the bar

A bow long bent at last waxes weak, so at the Marie Méro bar, you can enjoy the stylish Mero pendulums without any concerns. These provide a striking touch in line with the black and white interior.

Our Betaplus surface-mounted spotlights and Spinner X recessed spotlights provide extra light throughout the entire building.

DALI controlled lighting

The lighting in the building is fully Dali controlled. This system creates many possibilities in terms of controlling and dimming the lighting. Moreover, this control also makes it possible to illuminate the building in the evening at a low energy cost.

Do you also want to realise the lighting of your dreams in your company? Contact us via this form.